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S3 Hacks

  • Get the objects bigger than 15728640 bytes. Provide S3 folder path as key.
import boto3

def s3_files_beyond_threshold_v2(s3_client,lv_bucket,lv_key):
bigger_files = 0
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
paginator_result = paginator.paginate(Bucket=lv_bucket, Prefix=lv_key)
for vd_obj in"Contents[?Size > `15728640`][]"):
bigger_files += 1
except Exception as err:
return bigger_files

  • Get storage information of the bucket or directory in a bucket. Pagination is already handled as part of the command and if you have large number of files, it might take more time to get the output.
aws s3api list-objects --profile prod --bucket my_bucket_name --prefix directory_name/ --output json --query "[sum(Contents[].Size), length(Contents[])]" | awk 'NR!=2 {print $0;next} NR==2 {print $0/1024/1024/1024" GB"}'