AWS Systems Manager
Managed instancesโ
- A centralized, consolidated view of your infrastructure regardless of on premises servers or AWS instances.
- Helps to track inventory, operational management, patching the systems,
- Create and use runbook-like documents which can be used to run on a system to perform some actions on the managed instances.
- SSM agent on the server communicates with AWS SSM API
- AWS instances' IAM role need appropriate SSM policy
- On premises instances need to be configured using hybrid activation and SSM agent.
Resource Groupsโ
Collection of AWS resources in the regions that matches certain criteria
- Tag based
- Cloudformation stack based
Defines the actions along with parameters that the SSM performs in the managed instances. Writen in YAML or JSON.
- Can be versioned and used any version.
- Can also be shared publicly, with the specific account
- Control users/resources using IAM policies
Parameter Storeโ
Provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data management and secret management
- Similar to veriables, we can define parameters for documents/scripts/commads.
- Can integrate with AWS services along with SSM.
- EC2
- Lambda
- Cloudformation
- CodeBuild
- CodePipeline
- Code Deploy
- CloudWatch
- CloudTrail
- can be stored as plain text and ciphertext
- Lifecycle policies can be defined on parameter
- can be Encrypted using KMS
Sample code snippet for SSM document along with parametersโ
schemaVersion: '2.2'
description: 'Run a script on Linux instances.'
type: String
description: "(Required) The commands to run or the path to an existing script on the instance."
default: 'echo Hello World'
- action: aws:runShellScript
name: runCommands
timeoutSeconds: '60'
- "{{ commands }}"
Code Ref: AWS::SSM::Document
Session managerโ
- Manage EC2 instance or On-premises managed servers through an interactive browser based shell or through AWS CLI
- No need to enable SSH (port 22) on security groups
- No need of bastion host and SSH keys
- Can be controlled using the IAM policies
- logging and auditing can be done using
How it worksโ
- SSM Agent running in the instances are responsible for the interactive shell
- SSM Agent creates a
user with sudo access
and when the session is established, IAM user gets logged into the server as this SSM agent'suser
- Communication between SSM and Instances secured with TLSv1.2 protocal and can be enhanced with KMS
Hybrid Activation:โ
- Install SSM agent on the server
- Create hybrid activation using the AWS SSM Console or AWSCLI and get the
activation code
aws ssm create-activation \
--default-instance-name MyWebServers \
--iam-role service-role/AmazonEC2RunCommandRoleForManagedInstances \
--registration-limit 10 \
--region us-east-2 \
--tags "Key=Environment,Value=Production" "Key=Department,Value=Finance"
- Use the returned/generated
activation code
in the server and register it with the AWS SSM
amazon-ssm-agent -register -code "activation-code" -id "activation-id" -region "region"
For the complete steps, please visit aws documentation on SSM for hybrid environments
Run Commandโ
- Remotely run commands/documents in all managed instances.
- Instances can be selected by tag or resourse groups or managed instance id
- integrations
- SNS for status notification
- S3 for execution output logs
- Cloudwatch for execution output logs
- Useful in scripting automation
State managerโ
- Works via
and requiresIAM Service Role
- Useful for keeping the managed instances in defined state
- Configuration assigned to managed instances
- Runs on a schedule
- Need to specify
- Command Document
- Execution strategy
- input Parameters
orrun once only
- Output can be logged into S3 only.
Patch Managerโ
- Can create your own patch baselines with the list of approved patches for installation on managed instances
- Can be used with
maintenance Window
for auto approved patch installation - Uses SSM Documents for patch baselines and excution.
- Patch Baselines defines which packages are approved for your instances.
- Collects the metadata of the managed instances and optionally store it in
. - Keeps track of installed packages and versions
- Ref: AWS SSM Inventory
- versatile software packaging and shipping tool for hybrid environments.
- Multi-platform package creation and shipping (Linux/Windows)
- Version control, and enables you to restrict access to creation and installation using IAM policies
- Can auto-generate software deployment commands and scripts on your behalf or give you the option to provide custom ones
- Software packages created in one account can be shared with other AWS accounts
- Complex IT workflows can be automated using SSM Automation.
can define one or more series of steps and each step is associated withaction
- AWS Services can be invokes using
action; other actions allow waiting for the particular state before proceeding. - ref: SSM Automation actions
- How Systems Manager works
- SSM Agent logs: